Article 2

Article 2 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration, without distinction of any kind.” Inspired by this statement, my concept is all about the power and possibilities that comes from positivity and hopefulness. Even a flicker of hope, is enough to inspire greatness. The message in Article 2 is truly bright, it lights the way for a better future; a world where nobody is discriminated against.
This article ignites the feelings of warmth, safety, and security as it proudly ensures that every single person is entitled to the entirety of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Using the National Center for Civil and Human Rights’ iconic colors and bold typography, the visual language of this concept acts as a bridge between the Universal Declaration of Human rights, Article 2, and the Center, framing the Center as the home of this information. The vibrant color scheme and upbeat music leaves the viewer feeling optimistic, while the simplicity of the motion pays homage to the importance of the topic. A minimalistic approach allows for a broad audience to grasp the concept and the importance of the subject matter without being overwhelmed. The movement of the typography throughout the video alludes to positivity; type gently glides up to reveal a greater idea and key words flicker with hope to mirror the inspirational voice that is portrayed on the Center’s social platforms. But above all, the video achieves the goal of highlighting and representing Article 2.
Create a video to represent an article from the Declaration of Human Rights for the Center of Human Rights.
Article 2 Social Media/Website
Article 2 outdoor ad
The Prompt

To mark the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, students have been asked to create a short motion piece for the National Center of Civil and Human Rights to highlight the articles and their importance on social media.  

Mood Board

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, it set out, for the first time, fundamental/human rights to be universally protected.” 

This document inspires everyone to continue to work to ensure that all people can gain freedom, equality, and dignity. There are 30 articles included in the UDHR, but for my project I chose to focus on Article 2.
Article 2 Storyboard
Article 2 Storyboard
Article 2 Storyboard
Article 2 Storyboard
Article 2 Storyboard
Article 2 Storyboard
Article 2 Storyboard
Article 2 Storyboard
Article 2 Storyboard
Article 2 Storyboard
Article 2 Storyboard

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